She's Leaving Home: The lyrics mention "Wednesday morning at 5 O' clock" which fans interpreted as the day and hour of Paul's death.
A Day In The Life: John sings "he blew his mind out in a car, he hadn't noticed that the lights had changed".
I Am The Walrus: Voices at the end of the song can be heard saying "oh, untimely death" and "bury my dead body".
Glass Onion: One of the Beatles' most famous lyric "here's another clue for you all, the walrus was Paul". The walrus is a symbol of death in some countries.
So Tired: At the end of the song John can be heard saying something that sounds like "Paul is dead, miss him, miss him".
Don't Pass Me By: Ringo sings "you were in a car crash and you lost your hair".
Revolution #9: The Beatles' strangest recording contains crashing sounds which fans thought was a clue that Paul had been in a car accident.
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